
Throwback Friday!!

Me at 14, and me now at 26.

When I was 14, I often drank soda, ate Pop-Tarts or sugared, artificially colored cereal for breakfast and cooked and ate ramen noodles, cheese sandwiches on white bread, or hot dogs. I was convinced that I needed makeup on to be "presentable" and carried around red lipstick, a powder compact, and eyeliner in my bag, and my hair was regularly bleached and eyebrows waxed since around age 10, and I regularly had fake nails for a period when I was 12. I was confused by the mixed messages given to me at home and by society and had low self-esteem, and was starting to develop symptoms of depression, and later, anxiety.

Now at 26, I drink 1-2 liters of water per day, I eat cereal which is slightly sweetened or whole wheat toast for breakfast, and have at least one vegetable or fruit serving per meal or snack, and almost never drink soda or eat processed foods. I leave my hair and skin natural, using no commercial shampoo, face wash, conditioner, or lotion, and have no need for makeup although for fun I dip-dye my hair in Kool-Aid. I weigh 10 pounds less than I did when I was 14, and have a baby too. I am finally gaining confidence and healing the depression and anxiety I started feeling all those years ago.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I can relate to this a lot! I'm 23 now and I weigh about 15 lbs less than I did when I was a preteen.

    My parents didn't allow processed food, but they gave us very large portions and always wanted us to finish our plates (they didn't have a lot when they were younger). Now that I know how to control my portions and eat whole foods I feel a lot happier and energetic.


    I just wanted to say that you inspired me a lot (I was a lurker on your YouTube channel for a long time). Seeing your improvements in Japanese encouraged me to work hard on my Chinese and move abroad. Keep on keeping on! You have the cutest, fattest little baby. :D
