










Guess who this mail is from?

Well, my friends all told me to ignore your rantings, and stop reading your blog, but I didn't listen and there I went. I will say one more thing: that is the last time I do it. Your rotten whining, lying, and insulting words do not sting as much as they did, they just make me glad that you live 6000 miles away and that I never have to see you again Your blog will not be read by me ever again.
I do not need to get "help"...actually I did that years ago with more success than you are having coping with your issues in life. How dare you preach to me that way....like somehow you have all the answers. You have none of the answers. You never learned how to keep a nice home, to clean and take care of a home and be a real lady-instead you are a low class pig.  You are a sanctimonious jerk who has it all wrong-and you are the one who needs psychiatric help and very badly. But I'm sure the lies you tell any therapist will color your treatment and prevent any real truth from being said or dealt with.
At this point I am finally very comfortable saying goodbye to you and any offspring you may ever have. Stay away from me and I will never have anything to do with you. I am even going to rewrite my will and cut you out completely.
At the moment, your father and I have an appointment with an attorney for a cease and desist order to stop the continuous slander and filth you have put on the internet. We definitely have a case as your words are not proof of anything and you cannot say whatever you want in a public forum as you have been doing for months. We plan to sue you for every dime you have if you do not stop, and remove the filth you have already put out there. I am not kidding and strongly suggest that you remove all references to us and abuse and soon. I am finished with you and have lost any tolerance I still had for your warped, sick obsession with blaming me for your problems.
You had social and interactive problems all along as a child and teen, they were not caused by abuse, and you can write that they were in 1000 blogs and that will not make it so.
Go ahead, quote this in your blog for your readers. I have spoken to every one of my friends who has read your blog-guess what? They don't buy your lies-they all to a person feel sorry for you and think that you are sick and need treatment. You have no credibility with anyone who knows me and they are not on your side.
The strangers who don't know any better and believe your bullshit will let you play out your fantasy as a poor mistreated victim. So go ahead-enjoy yourself.
And guess what? FUCK YOU TOO.

First, I will state again, my blog is for me to share my experiences to help others and become stronger myself. What I have written here is an account of my life, including what my parents did and said to me growing up. They have verified that the words I quoted from them were in fact theirs, by trying to justify them and saying that my attitude and behavior as a child and teenager warranted such "discipline".

But as far as exaggerating and depicting my mother as a "horrible monster", I have done nothing of the sort. I did state that she could not control her emotions, and needed help if we were going to move on as a family. However I have not used hurtful, insulting terms to describe her as she has repeatedly done to me. And in this mail (which she even gave me permission to publish), she has made her true feelings very obvious to anyone who reads it.

I wonder, what kind of mother would watch their child struggle with "social problems" and instead of trying to help them and connect with them, call them names like "wacko" "mental patient" and tell them they have "no personality"?
And what kind of mother would call her child a "jerk" and an "asshole" and watch them cry, or watch them have a panic attack and offer no empathy whatsoever, even if they had been through the exact same thing themselves?
And what kind of mother, knowing full well that their child had a newborn baby and had a household income that qualified her for Medicare and WIC, would threaten to essentially put them on the streets?

When I look at Chinami, I feel nothing but all the love in the world for her. At this point I can't really make promises about what kind of mother I'll be, but I can promise what kind of mother I will not be.


I got a mail from my "mother" about my blog post. She claims that she apologized for the "few times she lost her temper and was mean to me". It was more than a few, and a lot more serious than just being "mean". Being mean is laughing at someone when they trip and fall. Why doesn't she use the real word "abuse" here? 

She claims I characterized her as vain, selfish and phony, and in the same email goes on about how I "humiliated her in front of her friends", "dramatically exaggerate" and "blame my issues on them". She tells me my blog is "one-sided" and "mean spirited" and "full of untruths", and I characterized her as "horrible" and a "monster." 

Everything I wrote in my blog is true, to my own recollection. The words my parents said to me that I recorded in my diaries as a teenager were true. My battle with anxiety and depression and my suicide attempt(s) are also true, there are several people that witnessed the pain I was in. 

Even in this most recent email, my own mother describes me during my teenage years as "sullen," "nasty," and "a total ass". But in all my diaries and blogs, I never resorted to using such insulting and degrading words to describe them. I am just telling the truth about what they said and did to me. My mother (and father) use the excuse "You were hostile to us, therefore you were not afraid of us, therefore we did not abuse you."

Since everything I write is a lie and hyperbole, I decided to do some research.

Emotional abuse -TeenHelp

The main types of emotional abuse include:
  • Verbal assault. Your parent/s verbally assault you in every way possible. They may blow your flaws out of proportion, make fun of you, call you names, berate you, scream at you, threaten you or criticize you. They may blame you for everything or humiliate you with sarcasm and endless insults. Over time, this type of abuse can completely destroy a person's feelings of self worth and self esteem.
  • Emotional neglect. Your parent may supply you with all of your physical and material needs, but completely neglect your emotional ones. They may show no love oraffection, continually ignore you, or refuse to support you during times of emotional need.
  • Invalidation. Closely linked and overlapped with emotional neglect, invalidation occurs when the victim's feelings and needs are completely invalidated, usually with harmful intent. A good example is when the victim tries to confront the parent/s about the abuse; the child may be told “I never do that”, “You think too much”, “You shouldn’t be upset about that”, or “You are exaggerating.” The abuser usually controls the victim’s emotions by telling the victim that those feelings and opinionsare wrong, by continually ignoring and rejecting emotional needs, and making the victim feel as though there is something wrong with him/her. Invalidation can also be done passively, for example, when a victim tries to confide in a parent about a problem and is told that the problem is not really an issue, or that the child should simply get over it. Invalidation is particularly damaging, as it leads the victim to think that s/he is wrong, stupid to feel this way, undeserving of any feelings at all.

How to spot emotional abuse
1 - overly shy, obedient, and submissive to others
3 - lacks confidence and has low self-esteem
8 - exhibits self-destructing behavior  - bites, pinches or cuts self
9 - finds it difficult to make friends, is overly clingy to people he is close to
15 - low self-esteem, constantly thinks bad or low about oneself
16 - Exhibits abasement behavior by blaming oneself about any negative events of his life
17 - Shows excessive depression to any type of rejection and lacks motivation in trying to correct that failure.
18 - Feels desperate and hopeless about life and neglects his personal looks and hygiene.
19 - Demonstrates sadness by isolating oneself, constantly crying, and getting into arts like music and poetry containing negative themes (such as death and hatred)
20 - Displays bitterness and lacks connection among others, whether it be friends or family
21 - Overly secretive and has difficulty in expressing ones feelings, believing that nobody ever listens to him.

How to talk to your moody teen
I found this interesting...
4 - Offer your support and be available for him when he needs to talk. Find time each day to talk and listen to what he has to share. Do not judge or jump on lecturing him.  
My parents judged and lectured on things like my taste in music and TV shows!
6 - Show respect to him and his friends. He will feel more comfortable confiding and talking to you. 
My friends were described as fat, ugly, talentless losers (like me) most of the time. Not exactly respect. 

How to help your depressed teen
In many cases, parents or other adults fail to acknowledge the fact that teenagers can, and do, get depressed. They tend to write off the moody, sullen teenager as acting out or one who is simply unhappy about something.

With teenagers, certain symptoms are likely to be present that are not normally found in depressed adults:
  • Excessive sensitivity to criticism. Depressed teens tend to have strong feelings of worthlessness, which makes them highly sensitive to criticism, failure and rejection.
  • Angry or irritable mood. Instead of being sad like most adults with depression, teens tend to be irritable, grumpy, hostile and frustrated.
  • Withdrawing from some people. Adults are more prone to isolate themselves from everyone when they are depressed, but teenagers tend to withdraw more selectively. With teenagers, they may start hanging out with different types of people, pulling away from their parents or socialize less frequently than they normally do.
My mother says she hopes to meet Chinami one day. Maybe if she seeks help and resolves her own issues like I did, she can. 

Oh, and she didn't throw away the baby book for some reason. She threw away everything else because "I didn't want it". Slightly different story from " I am so over and done with her that I can hardly see her any more in my rear view mirror. Tossed out any and everything I find of hers-wiping her out of my life and not looking back." (quoted from Facebook, one of the comments she conveniently erased)


Life with Chinami: the first week 智七海と最初の一週間

postpartum tummy!

Today Chinami is one week old! And I have been a mommy for one week! Everything has been going great, maybe even too great!
Between eating well, taking the placenta pills, and taking small naps with Chinami, my recovery has been great! It's only been a week but I am ready to put her in a sling and walk here and there! But my midwife and doula warned me to take it easy, because it is possible to get worse after getting better, and I have someone to look after now.

Breastfeeding has been as easy and textbook as my pregnancy. Latch her on after birth, latch her on whenever she shows signs of being hungry (not just crying) and then my milk came in on the 3rd day and she is always satisfied after a nursing session, and I can even hand express a little bit! I think my placenta capsules, brewer's yeast powder, and mother's milk tea help things along as well.

At night, I can nurse her while laying down in my bed, because she sleeps with us! This was a no-brainer because in Japan cosleeping is perfectly normal, and doesn't kill babies like certain American media might try and tell you. Breastfeeding and cosleeping together actually dramatically reduce the chance of SIDS.

And if Chinami cries or is a little bit fussy after feeding and changing her nappy, Yasushi or I simply hold her close, give her kisses and tell her we love her and she falls asleep with a smile on her face.

Every time I look at Chinami, I'm reminded of all my love for her, and everything I have done and will do for her.

I've already started to compile a little photo album, with ultrasound pics, first footprint, umbilical cord, etc. And I'm reminded of how my own mother said she had thrown everything of mine away, and was glad to. When I went home, I took my own baby book out of storage and looked at it. It was in the guest room when we left. To think that she can throw it out and be happy with herself disgusts me to no end. And I question the character of anyone who can still remain friends with someone who would say in one breath that her daughter has a mental illness, and in the next brag about discarding her. And my father still believes that I am in the wrong, that she is the real victim, poor her, being abused by her mother, trying her best to raise me but accidentally abusing me, suffering from depression, and having me "publicly humiliate her" maliciously. He took part in destroying my self-confidence by constantly telling me how horrible and stupid I and my friends were and how I had no talent, and my dreams of being a teacher so I could inspire children were just great because those who can't do, teach.

In all the emails, he never hinted that they might have been wrong. He never apologized. Just tried to put all the blame on me, while saying I "have a right to feel how I do" but implying that he was not wrong.
And then a few days ago I got an email from him. As if everything had magically disappeared, it was just a dream, they were perfect parents all along and I never cried myself to sleep at night wondering why they hated me so much.....
The mail simply read "How are you? The baby must be coming at any moment. Please let me know."
Fuck you. 









Chinami's birth 智七海の出産 (warning: graphic) (注意:少しグロい)

At around 2 am on July 11th, I woke up feeling a trickling sensation between my legs. I bunched up my pillow (I had been sleeping with a pillow between my legs to widen the hip area to prepare for birth) and shuffled over to the bathroom, and sure enough, there was a gush. I was half shocked, half excited. I cleaned up and shakily went into the computer room where Yasushi was and shakily went "I think my water broke". And he started to freak out a little bit going "What should we do? Call the midwife!" I called my midwife and doula and let them know what was going on, they both said get some sleep. Yasushi and I tried, but we were so excited it was hard to get to sleep. I was starting to have weak contractions about 7 minutes apart but managed to sleep between them somehow.
The next day I just stayed at home, going out a couple of times to walk and run last-minute errands. My contractions were still coming at 5-7 minutes, but nothing too intense. My midwife came over briefly in the evening to check baby's heartbeat and my blood pressure, and advised me to get as much sleep as possible that night, and if possible to go hiking in the morning. I tried to sleep as I did the previous night, but my contractions were getting stronger and I was awake more than I slept. I called my doula in the morning and asked her to come over for support as Yasushi had to leave for work. We ate breakfast, took a short walk in Waikiki, then a nap, then we went hiking at Manoa Falls. This really amped up my contractions and after we went home and I took a shower, they were still coming without slowing. They went to about 3-5 minutes apart and I started to need to use breathing and vocalization to cope with them. At one point, I went to the toilet, and the action of sitting on the toilet brought on a contraction so intense I literally jumped off and ran as soon as I was finished. My doula made me go back and ride out a few ones, as strong contractions would make me dilate faster. At around 6 pm, my doula informed me that I was in active labor. I still used coping techniques and my big white ball to combat the pain. At around 8:30, my doula asked the midwife to come over. and called Yasushi to let him know to try and come straight home at 9. Yasushi rushed home immediately.
Over the next few hours, the contractions got more and more intense and constant, I had almost no breaks between them at one point and was living on Emergen-C drinks and V-8 given to me through a straw by my doula and Yasushi. I went to the toilet periodically, but I mostly sweat out all the liquids before that. My doula urged me to eat, and I tried to oblige some frozen fruit, but every time a contraction hit my appetite was completely gone. They prepared the pool, which felt lovely but I felt like I wasn't progressing. My calm breathing and vocalizing through contractions turned into whining. I started having urges to push, which were worse than contractions because they didn't really do anything and were painful. They suggested a hot shower with Yasushi, which would usually get plenty of love hormones going, but I was having none of it. I was in a cycle of contracting, pushing, and whining about it. I was tired and cranky and wanted to do the whole push, pop out a human, and then revel in the happy afterglow. I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep! But of course who would be able to sleep in an active labor, 9 cm dilated to boot! So of course sleeping turned into a little cuddle with Yasushi, and then hoisting my leg up and giving a screaming push, tiring myself out, laying back down going "why isn't this working why won't she come out??" I would come "so close" and then run out of energy to push. I honestly doubted I could do this, and a few times I asked "do we have to go to the hospital?" My midwife used several techniques to get me to open up and stretch. 
I was in that "place" that every woman goes to when birthing. The "I can't do this, but if I don't this baby won't come out" phase....I wanted an easy way out so badly, if this were a hospital I would have been drugged and the baby pulled out a while ago. I felt so pathetic as I sat there and buried my head into Yasushi and asked my midwife and doula to help, and get her out of me already. They replied that she was almost out, and I was doing great work. Laying on the bed was not the most ideal position, but I was so tired out it was all I wanted to do. My midwife and doula tried a variety of other positions, birthing stool, etc, but I kept going back to the bed and hoisting up my leg and pushing. Her head had gone over my pubic bone, she was almost there. Finally, they suggested getting into a squat, with my doula sitting in a chair holding my arms and supporting my weight, and we tried that, and gravity seemed to help things along, but I still didn't have the strength to do it. 

I saw the sun start to come up outside....my doula and I had been up for almost 24 hours. I was ready to give up about 6 hours ago. It felt like torture. I kept pushing, putting every last ounce of my strength in it, but it wasn't enough. I looked pathetically at my midwife after pushing and shook my head. She smiled at me, and I remember thinking "why are you smiling at a time like this?" and I looked down, and the head was out. This was it. I screamed like some kind of animal and pushed through my exhaustion, pushed through the pain, I didn't care, she was coming out, NOW. And my midwife stepped in to help Yasushi catch her, and hand her to me, but my body was dead to the world. My doula helped me hold her low on my chest, still squatting because her umbilical cord was very short. Chinami had a fabulous conehead from all of the pushing, and I saw her thick black hair, and her pale little hands. She looked around quietly, letting out a few cries every now and then. The midwife and her assistant went to work quickly, rubbing her vigorously to make sure she coughed up all the fluid and making sure she was breathing. I looked in her eyes and knew she was absolutely fine and healthy. I put my finger in her little hand and she gripped it tightly. I looked in her eyes and could tell that she knew who I was and who Yasushi was. 

 My doula, Yasushi and everyone worked together to get me at least laying down on the bed with Chinami. I was still absolutely pathetic. I kept asking would delivering the placenta hurt, and were there any drugs I could take now, and could they numb me down there quickly, etc. The midwife and her assistant kept reassuring me that it would not hurt to deliver the placenta, and that they would numb me and give me a few different kinds of natural things to help the pain. I delivered the placenta, which they were right, it was uncomfortable but not painful. Then I got numbed and a few little stitches, while Chinami got her cord clamped and cut (by Yasushi again) and started to breastfeed. 

My midwife showed me the placenta and sac that raised Chinami for 9 months. She found something interesting that she had "never seen". The umbilical cord was not attached to the center of the placenta, it was attached to blood vessels that flowed to the placenta. I think this is called Velamentous cord insertion. If I had been in hospital care as opposed to midwife care, then the chances of it being made into a problem with all the inductions and threatened c-sections would have been very high.

My doula took the placenta to encapsulate it, but not before putting a chunk in a yummy berry-spirulina smoothie for me to have right away! This was not just to be adventurous, but because there are many benefits to ingesting placenta. The main benefits are reducing post-partum bleeding and increasing iron levels in the blood, and reducing the risk of post-partum depression, which with my history of never being able to donate blood due to low iron or low blood pressure, and depression and anxiety, this seemed like the right thing to do. 

The ladies cleaned up the place and gave me another check to see how I was recovering, I was bleeding quite a bit but nothing serious, my blood pressure was stable and so my midwife gave me a shot of pitocin to help my uterus contract before going home.

Chinami soon fell asleep, as did we. I was happy, but absolutely exhausted and in pain and wanted to recover quickly so I could focus on her as much as possible.

My recovery over the past few days has been great. I have been able to rest in my own bed with Chinami, and do everything at my own pace without nurses telling me when and where to do what. And since my mother wasn't around, I didn't have to deal with any loud and belligerent monologues about how my house is not good enough, I should have rented that place in Waikiki that was way over my budget, I should get a clothes dryer instead of hanging my laundry like I'm in Calcutta, how could I possibly not have a TV set, why don't I use an air conditioner, it's too hot, why do I put my mattress on the floor, why don't I have a crib for Chinami, I should n't have bought everything secondhand, etc, etc, etc....

And now a little reflection...
Birthing is hard. I didn't have a magical orgasmic water birth or a surprise birth in the kitchen, I was in the pushing stage for about 5 hours. If I had birthed at a hospital, I probably would have gladly accepted any intervention they gave after I reached my point of no return, and it might have been faster and even easier, but would it have been the best way? When Chinami came out, she was calm and happy, and she wasn't bathed, injected, or taken anywhere except straight to me and her daddy. Choosing a homebirth wasn't just about my comfort or health, it was for her as well. Taking that into consideration, I would definitely choose a homebirth again. 

Chinami "Tina" Born Friday, July 13th at home ♥7lbs 13 oz    22 inches







